Hendee Enterprises, Inc. – The Innovative Solutions Company

Hurricane screens are protective coverings that safeguard doors and windows during extreme weather conditions, particularly hurricanes and tropical storms. As a result, it is common to refer to these screens as storm screens or hurricane shutters. Their presence shields fragile building components from flying debris, high winds, and heavy rainfall that can cause damage. Because of this function, they are usually made of durable materials.  Polypropylene and Kevlar are common options. This article reviews the benefits of hurricane screens, examines the attributes of polypropylene vs Kevlar screens, and compares them.

Benefits of Hurricane Screens

Some advantages of using hurricane screens include:

History and Attributes of Polypropylene and Kevlar Materials

Polypropylene Hurricane Screens

Polypropene entered the market in the 1950s. It quickly gained popularity in the textile industry for its flexibility and strength. Because of its resistance to moisture, chemicals, and wear, it has become a common choice for manufacturing carpets, ropes, furniture, and packaging materials.

As a hurricane screen, the use of polypropylene began as a viable alternative to traditional materials like metal and fabric. This is a result of advancements in polymer processing techniques and materials engineering. Manufacturers have been able to develop proprietary formulations and methods to optimize durability and weather resistance, while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Advantage Over Other Screen Materials

In comparison to metal screens, polypropylene screens are lighter, easier to install, and corrosion and dust resistant. They offer superior flexibility with the ability to bend and absorb impact without breakage.

In comparison to fabric screens, polypropylene provides better durability and UV resistance.

Kevlar Hurricane Screens

Kevlar is an innovative para-aramid synthetic material developed in 1965 by Stephanie Kwolek at DuPont. It has vast applications beyond its original use as rubber reinforcement for tires. One notable application is in the creation of hurricane screens or shutters, enhancing protection for buildings during intense weather events.

Benefits of Kevlar Screens

Hurricane screens made from Kevlar possess a wide range of impressive qualities that make them stand out in protecting homes and structures:

Choosing Between Polypropylene and Kevlar Screens




Material Properties

Lightweight, flexible, resistant to moisture and UV radiation. Also possesses high impact strength, making it effective against high winds and debris.

Shares similar features with polypropylene, but Kevlar is resistant to fire. Provides strong resistance to projectiles and extreme weather.
CostPolypropylene is more cost-effective vs Kevlar.

Significantly higher cost due to its manufacturing process. In hurricane applications, can be up to 6 times more expensive than polypropylene.


With proper maintenance, polypropylene screens can have a long lifespan. However, it is susceptible to break down due to extended exposure to UV.

Generally, Kevlar hurricane screens have a longer lifespan vs polypropylene. However, they are also susceptible to UV breakdown.


Flexible and capable of conforming to various shapes, allowing for easy installation around windows and doors.

Flexible and can conform to shapes effectively, providing a tight seal around openings to prevent debris penetration.

Polypropylene vs. Kevlar Hurricane Screens

Another difference between polypropylene vs Kevlar hurricane screens is the ease of handling. Generally, polypropylene is easier to handle and can be cut using standard cutting tools like scissors and utility knives. Kevlar’s exceptional strength and toughness makes it difficult to cut. Thus it requires the use of specialized tools like high-powered scissors to cut without damaging them.

Hendee offers polypropylene hurricane screens due to its ease of handling and significant benefits at a much lower cost than Kevlar. Learn more about our hurricane screens.